10 Great Nail Faux Pas And How To Avoid Them

Nail Faux Pas And How To Avoid Them

How Not to Mess Up Your Nails

Nails are an easy way to make a statement. Whether you're in the office or out on the town, your nails can give away a lot about who you are and what you care about. But no matter how hard we try to make them look perfect, there's always a chance that we'll mess up our nails.

That's why it's important to know how to not mess up your nails when applying nail polish so that you can avoid making mistakes. Here are ten common nail faux pas and how to avoid them:

1) You put too much polish on one nail. To avoid this, you can apply two coats of polish to each nail before moving on to the next.

2) You apply too much pressure when filing your nails. Avoid this by using the right kind of nail file and not applying too much pressure.

3) You choose the wrong color. Avoid this mistake by keeping a notebook with you to keep track of what colors you want to use, as well as what colors you've already used, so that when you're in-between shades, you know which ones to grab.

4) You apply the polish too thickly.  Avoid this by thinning the consistency of the polish with a few drops of water before you apply it, and avoid using your hands to spread the polish out.

5) You don't let the nail dry completely after you put on your color.  Avoid this mistake by waiting a few minutes for your nails to dry completely, then putting on your top coat.

6) You apply too many coats of nail polish.  Avoid this error by allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next layer.

7) You don't use a base coat first.  Avoid this mistake by using the right kind of primer so the nail polish has something else to stick onto.

8) You don't clean the brush often enough or use a separate one for each color.  Avoid this mistake by cleaning the brush on top of a paper towel, then dipping it in nail polish remover.

9) You apply too much polish around your cuticles. Avoid this mistake by applying polish with a Q-tip rather than surrounding your cuticles with it.

10) You don't wait for the polish to dry before touching anything elseAvoid this mistake by waiting for a few minutes after you're done with each coat of paint on your nails.

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